Earn up to 250,000 USD and a place on the Trailblazers Leaderboard by issuing career and education credentials.
The concept of a flywheel was presented in the book “Good to Great”, illustrating that good-to-great transformations never happen at once but, you guessed it, in turns. Every flywheel consists of a few carefully derived steps that logically follow each other in a loop. The goal is to kickstart the Velocity Network™ flywheel to help it start moving. In our case this would be to issue as much verifiable career and education credentials to individuals using a compatible career wallet. The intention is to reach enough momentum such that it continues to spin.
We’re excited to announce our Trailblazers’ Challenge to encourage and reward those who are helping to bootstrap momentum by engaging as many individuals as possible to download a velocity career wallet and claim career and education credentials. The reward is sponsored by Velocity Career Labs, Inc.
Program Rules:
- To be eligible for the reward you have to be a Credential Agent Operator registered on Velocity Mainnet.
- You’ll be earning 1 USD cash reward for each individual that was issued at least one verifiable credentials via a Credential Agent you run on Velocity Mainnet. This cash reward will be paid in addition to the credit reward that is granted to the CAO for each credential issued on the Velocity Network™.
- Out of scope: identity, email and phone credentials. These types of credentials will not be eligible for reward as part of this program.
- The maximum reward that will be paid in total under this program is 250,000 USD on the basis of ‘first comes – first served’. For example if during the month of April, two organizations proved they have processed issuing of career and education credentials to 100,000 individuals each, they will be awarded a cash reward of 100,000 USD each (200,000 USD in total) that will be paid from the program cash reserve, leaving 50,000 USD for organizations to collect during May and June.
- The program will run from March 1st to June 15th, or until the program cash reserve will be empty (the earliest of the two).
- The Trailblazers Leaderboard will be finalized and presented at our annual membership meeting that is planned to take place in NYC, June 19-20.
The Fine Print:
- You can claim the reward at the end of each month. You will be requested to issue a tax invoice to Velocity Career Labs, Inc. and attach data from your credential agent that will be required to validate your eligibility. Minimum number of individuals that claimed credentials eligible for reward is 500.
- Payment will be made 30 days after the invoice and the required data are presented, allowing enough time to cross-check the blockchain data and validate your numbers.
- To be eligible for the reward you must adhere to the terms and conditions of your CAO agreement and specifically not violate any laws or compromise any data that is not yours while issuing the credentials to individuals.
- All federal, state and local taxes, fees and surcharges, exchange fees and money transfer fees on the rewards are your sole responsibility. All rewards are subject to applicable law.
- By claiming rewards as part of this program, you agree to permit Velocity Network Foundation to use your organization’s name, the information on the number, type and use case of credentials issued by you, for advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation.
- You release Velocity Network Foundation and Velocity Career Labs, Inc. from any liability associated with any malfunction or other problem with the Credential Agent or any other element of Velocity Network that prevented you from earning the reward.
- Finally, if for any reason the program is not capable of running as planned, including the following reasons: tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, errors, or any other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the program, we reserve the right at our sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the program. We further reserve the right to disqualify any organization who tampers with the issuing process, cheats, deceives, abuses, or otherwise violates any law or behaves in an unfit manner as determined by the Board of Director of the Foundation.
If you have any question regarding the Trailblazers’ Challenge please do not hesitate to contact us at: admin@velocitynetwork.foundation