In November 2023, we hosted our Education Ecosystem launch event, featuring leading figures from the worlds of education and employment.
Watch the highlights below to discover the role Velocity is playing in unifying credentials and why members are so active in building solutions on the Network. You can watch the full sessions using the links at the bottom of this post.
Thanks again to all the speakers, including those who feature in this highlights video:
Alex Chudnovsky of SAP
Bill Hughes of Education Design Lab
Ian Davidson of SmartResume
Kacey Thorne of Western Governors University
Matt Alex of Beyond Academics
Meagan Treadway of Grand Valley State University
Mike Andrus of HCA Healthcare
Mike Simmons of AACRAO
Zach Daigle of Precheck (a Cisive company)
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact us:
You can watch every session from the two-part launch event here: