Fresh Ideas
From Velocity

Our blog offers news and insights to help you keep ahead of the curve on self-sovereign career identity and Velocity Network™.

SAP’s Praveen Rao joins the expert panel at our India ecosystem launch event

On the 8th of February, SAP’s Praveen Rao will join our expert panel to discuss how verifiable career credentials will change the lives of millions of people in the Indian IT Services industry over the coming years.

As one of the world’s trailblazers, SAP took a huge step last year by issuing verifiable credentials to award nominees and winners at the Success Connect conference.

Ekstep Foundation’s Gaurav Gupta speaking at our India ecosystem launch event

We’re delighted that EkStep Foundation’s Chief Growth Officer, Gaurav Gupta, will speak at our 8th February event focused on the India IT Services industry.

Founded by Nandan Nilekani, Rohini Nilekani and Shankar Maruwada, EkStep is a not-for-profit effort to create a learner centric, technology-based platform to improve applied literacy and numeracy for millions of children in India.